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Bool option


Typer creates per default 2 names for each bool option:

  • one for the True value
  • one for the False value

You can customize this by providing explicit option names.

Default bool Option with Names for True and False

A bool option:

This creates 2 options:

bool Option with a Name Only for True

For some bool options, it doesn't make sense to provide a separate name for the False value.

This snippet defines a --version option without creating a respective --no-version:

def some_cmd(
    version: bool = typer.Option(False, "--version", help="Print the current version."),
) -> None:

bool Option with a Custom Name for False

def some_cmd(
    accept: bool = typer.Option(True, "--accept/--reject", help="Accept or reject. Default: accept"),
) -> None:

bool Options with 3 Possible Values

This is possible but not recommended.

You can also define an option with the type Optional[bool]. These options have 3 possible values:

  • None
  • True
  • False
def trio(
    size_option: bool = typer.Option(
        None, "--small/--big", help="The size of something. Default: medium"
) -> None:
    if size_option is None:
        size = "medium"
    elif size_option:
        size = "small"
        size = "big"

Note that this behavior might be surprising / confusing.

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