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Use pytest Fixtures for Creating Test Objects


If a test needs one or more objects, provide them via pytest fixtures.

Do not run multiple invokes of typer.testing.CliRunner in one test.



def create_basic_talk():
    return talk_crud().create({"short_name": "error-messages"})

Test function:

def test_existing_by_id(create_basic_talk):
    result = runner.invoke(app, ["talk", "view", str(create_basic_talk.id_)])

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert result.stdout

This provides a clear separation between the different phases of the test:

  • arrange
  • act
  • assert


Another possibility would be to invoke the create command in the test before invoking the "command under test" view.

def test_existing_by_id(create_basic_talk):
    runner.invoke(app, ["talk", "create", "--short-name", "some-name"]

    result = runner.invoke(app, ["talk", "view", str(create_basic_talk.id_)])

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert result.stdout

Drawback: If the create command fails, the invoke is still successful and proceeds to the next step.


The invoking of the view command will fail, which is misleading. (The create command has an error, but the test fails in the view step.)

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